Discussion forum
Welcome to the discussion forum! Now that you have had the chance to get to know Siri and her siblings a bit better, use the Padlets below to share your thoughts on the various features (Education, Accessibility, Security, Gender and Entertainment & Global Use) you've explored.
Here are some guiding questions to guide you:
Did you agree with the side (light or dark) you were placed in?
Describe your experience using voice to text in a part of your life?
After reading some information that was designed to challenge your thinking, how do you think your perception of the topic has changed?
What are some connections you can draw between the resources that were presented and your current professional context?
What are the applications and/or repercussion for this being applied to an educational setting?
Remember that you are encouraged to post at least one of your responses using a voice to text feature. You are also welcome and encouraged to utilize Padlet's audio recording feature.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.